
If there are enough students interested at a given level and at least one volunteer to coach, Holy Spirit will have teams for girls in grades 5–8. The fee for volleyball is $110 and will be applied to the family's Blackbaud account. There is a $25 late fee when registering after the deadline provided that the team is not full.

  • Reduction in fee will not be granted for absences due to illness, injury, conflicts, vacations, deciding not to participate after the season has started or inability to participate due to academic ineligibility.

Practice and Matches

Teams practice once or twice a week and play two matches a week. Matches begin the week of Sept. 16 and are usually played on Mondays and Wednesdays. Practice days and times have not yet been determined.

Players are expected to consistently attend practices and matches. Repeatedly missing practices and matches may result in less playing time. Please look at the schedules for other activities your child is involved in, to be certain that your child will be able to commit to the team.

Volunteer Scorekeepers

The league requires the home team to operate the scoreboard. Each family will be required to volunteer to operate the scoreboard for one home match.