Middle School (6-8)

Building Leaders

Middle school is a time of tremendous growth. It is a key opportunity to facilitate and teach strong character and leadership skills. Students engage in activities throughout their middle school years that foster the development of these qualities. Whether implementing a food drive, pairing up with younger students in Spirit Families, or leading the school in morning prayer and announcements, middle school students grow into active, positive leaders.


Holy Spirit Catholic School students participate in an advisory program during their middle school years. The advisory program mixes students in grades 6-8, allowing students to build community in smaller groups while receiving training on executive functioning skills. They are gently guided to cultivate organization, time management, and self-advocacy skills while learning about their personal strengths. The guidance includes monitoring academics, building confidence and self-awareness while helpings students embrace their talents, and providing a place where students feel honored and valued.


Curriculum centers around religion, language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies. Students also have weekly specialist classes in the areas of music, physical education, Spanish, art, and media. Students in middle school also have the option to participate in band*.

Middle School teachers work together closely to foster the academic, spiritual, and personal strengths of each student. Through team meetings, teachers find ways to authentically connect content across the curriculum. Whether language arts and social studies team up to dig deeper into the Great Depression or religion and art combine to create stained glass windows, teachers always look for ways to deepen students’ understanding of the curriculum.

*Band is an additional expense offered during normal school day hours. We partner with Encore Ensembles. The cost is $68 per month plus a one-time registration fee of $25.  You can learn more by visiting Encore Ensembles website: https://www.encoreensembles.com

Technology in the Classroom

Incorporating technology in the classroom is essential for today’s learners. Middle school students have access to chrome books, tablets, and devices in our media lab. Students utilize Google Classroom for daily assignments while monitoring their grades and progress in Educate. During media class, time is dedicated teaching students to safely navigate the internet and critically assess information. Every Monday, we send out a newsletter highlighting important updates and with links to resources to aid in academic success.


Special Events & Activities

All school events during the academic year include Marathon Day, Advent Lessons and Carols Concerts, Catholic Schools Week, and Olympic Day (K-7). Middle school students also participate in a Geography Bee, Interdisciplinary Units, and learn from guest speakers from the community each year.

  • Tabernacle Project

    Persuasive Essay

  • Food Drive

    Living Stations of the Cross

    Preschool Buddies

  • School Leadership Opportunities


    Sonnet Writing

In the words of our families:

  • Holy Spirit is a welcoming, calm, and caring environment in which academic and social development are both priorities.

  • The teachers know each and every student and celebrate each student's individuality...

  • My daughter has benefitted from the caring, attentive teachers at Holy Spirit. She entered as a 6th grader struggling to keep up with math, and has become a confident math learner who feels engaged and supported.

  • We have seen our boys overcome the jitters of the first day of school as little boys, to become amazing young men in our loving community.