Tuition and Financial Aid
Our annual tuition is set after careful analysis and thoughtful consideration. The financial impact of tuition on our families is a major part of these considerations. We do not want to lose any family due to financial concerns.
Holy Spirit Catholic School and Church provides education grants to parishioner families in need of financial support. Families apply for assistance through Tuition Aid Data Services (TADS), an independent agency that provides an analysis of individual family need. The reports made by TADS are reviewed by Holy Spirit's administration, which makes recommendations for the disbursement of funds that are approved by the pastor.
2025-2026 Tuition Rates
2 half-days per week: $205 per month
3 half-days per week: $290 per month
5 half-days per week: $420 per month
2 full days per week: $330 per month
3 full days per week: $475 per month
5 full days per week: $760 per month
$10 per day for Breakfast Bunch or Lunch Bunch
$17 per day for Breakfast Bunch and Lunch Bunch
$5,050+$300 re-enrollment fee for returning students
$6,350 +$300 re-enrollment fee for returning students
$6,850 +$300 re-enrollment fee for returning students
Dr. Kathleen Ryan Huyen Scholarship Fund
We are proud to offer Dr. Kathleen Ryan Huyen scholarships to families who are parishioners. Kathleen was a long-time parishioner with a lifelong career in Catholic education. To apply for the Dr. Kathleen Ryan Huyen Scholarship:
1. You do not need to apply for TADS.
3. Complete the application form by writing a letter explaining your involvement in parish life at Holy Spirit Catholic Church. Letters can be emailed to Dr. Jennifer Krieger or dropped off at the office.
Financial Scholarships
Tuition Aid Data Services (TADS) is an independent agency that provides an analysis of individual family need. The reports made by TADS are reviewed by Holy Spirit's administration, which makes recommendations for the disbursement of funds that are approved by the pastor.
Through TADS, families may also have the opportunity to apply for the Aim Higher Foundation Scholarship. The Aim Higher Scholarship is a $1,000, student-based scholarship awarded to K-8 students from families with demonstrated financial need. Once a student is awarded the scholarship, they will continue to receive an additional $1,000 scholarship each year up to and through 8th grade as long as the yearly financial aid application continues to show need. The scholarship will also follow the student from year to year if he or she transfers to another Catholic school in the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis.
Enrollment and Re-enrollment Fees
The annual non-refundable family enrollment fee is $300. This fee covers costs including: processing admissions and re-enrollment, cost of enrollment materials, a portion of our data management systems, technology, etc. Payment of enrollment fees is required to finalize enrollment.
Since we use continuous enrollment, all current students are automatically enrolled for the 2025–2026 school year. Families who do not plan to return must notify Dr. Krieger no later than Feb. 28. The $300 non-refundable enrollment fee will be charged to tuition accounts in March.
If families have any questions related to tuition, financial aid, scholarships, or enrollment fees please contact Justin Carrick, Business Administrator.